Fleet Investment Continues

Following an investment of £700,000 in 10 new Maxi Movers at the turn of year, GAP is pleased to announce the delivery of an additional 10 brand new Mitsubishi Fuso Vans that will be used across the depot network.

Dave Jarrett

The new Mitsubishi Fuso Vans have a wheel base of 4750mm and are capable of carrying 1 tonne more than our existing 7.5 tonne equivalent currently in operation. Or to put it a different way – that’s 15 more Rockdoors, 2 small cars or a baby elephant.

 Rockdoor weight

Dave Jarret, GAPs Group Logistics Manager (pictured) commented. “It’s great to see new vehicles coming into service as it allows us to continually modernise our delivery fleet to serve our customers. We’ve chosen the Mitsubishi Vans for their load capacity and fuel efficiency, meaning we can maximise our delivery routes and cut down on miles travelled making the vehicles more environmentally friendly. Our new vehicles get delivered to our Blackburn Head Office once sprayed and signed up, but they don’t stay for long. They quickly make their onward journey to their new depot to enter service. The 10 new vehicles are on their way to GAP Ashford, Edinburgh, Maidstone, Northampton, Watford, Wirral with 4 still to be allocated.” 

The investment in vehicles is only part of a larger investment programme within GAP Ltd that is starting to pay dividends. Following the acquisition of SIG Windows and Building Plastics is August 2017, GAP have invested heavily to merge the businesses to create one strong reputable manufacturer, stockist and supplier of low maintenance building products.

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Fleet Investment Continues | News | Gap.uk.com
